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Leavenworth, Kansas

Worship Times 


9:30 AM



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Worship Details

Sunday Worship is a traditional service with communion every Sunday.  Please come and join us!

Prayer Breakfast "Pullman Place"
(9:30 am ~ Mondays)

Prayer Group "Kitterman"
8:30am ~ Wednesdays

Mary/Martha "Kitterman"
5:00pm ~ 1st Wednesday of the month

Leavened Bread "Pullman Place"
8:00am ~ 2nd Tuesday of the month

aliVe "Kitterman"
1:00pm ~ 2nd Wednesday of the month

Tree House Treasures-Children's Sunday School - 9:50am

​Seekers Sunday School In-Person 10:45am

Church Office Hours  ~ Monday-Friday ~ 9:00am- 12:00pm 

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Welcome to First Christian Church of Leavenworth!

 Our church belongs to the Disciples of Christ denomination.  We are believers in unity.  The Disciples have a saying, "In the essential unity, in non-essential liberty, in all things charity." The Savior prayed for unity among His disciples: “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us” (John 17:21).


We, the members of Jesus Christ's body assembled in Leavenworth, Kansas, who give God praise for showering us with His love and enabling us to give that love to others, do establish this Christian organization to provide a place of prayer, worship, ministry, teaching and fellowship. Therefore, we seek to be a community that reaches up to God, reaches across to one another, and reaches out into the world with the love of Jesus Christ.

We would love to see you at our next service or event.  Click the link above to get a sponsor if you want one.  If not just come on down to 130 North 6th Street in Leavenworth, Kansas.  We'll keep a light on!

Childrens Moment

Starting children on the path to understanding that God loves them and has a plan for their lives provides the foundation for a productive and satisfying life.  It provides the resources to resist peer pressure and gives children a framework for making better decisions.  In a sense developing a deep feeling for the love of God and the love for other people early in life prepares a child for the inevitable challenges that will occur.  Our children's moments are  an opportunity to proclaim the Word of God, and to affirm that children are full participants in the life of our congregation.  Please join us in setting up children for success in life.

A place to learn about God with friends.  Members of the congregation work with children to explain God's love for the world.

Treehouse Treasures

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We use donations to spread the Good Word and help the local community.  

The Cheerful Giver.

6 The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully[a] will also reap bountifully. 7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

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